Local Compassion
“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” Hebrews 13:16LOCAL COMPASSION
BIRDSBORO CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE encourages our people to see missions as all inclusive, whether that is reaching across our globe or across the street. Our local church has ways to be involved.
Some projects in which we as a church have been involved:
- School supplies and backpacks collection for children in Philadelphia & Reading
- Working on renovations at a church/outreach center in Philadelphia
- Hats, scarves, and mittens collection for a local ministry
We also serve our local community with the following ongoing ministries:
Community Table
Sponsored by Love INC – volunteers from our church donate, prepare and/or serve a healthy, balanced meal to an average of 75 residents of Birdsboro. It’s a blessing to fellowship at each Community Table event.
Mission Trip Birdsboro
This community outreach event is made possible through the partnership of several partnering congregations and sponsoring organizations throughout the Birdsboro area. A week each year in July is dedicated to making improvements to local parks & schools as well as for dozens of homeowners in need. Learn more about this ministry here.
Clothing Closet
Our largest in-house ministry is our free Clothing Closet. The Community Clothing Closet has been a part of our church for many years, and through this ministry we serve communities in Berks County and beyond. The mission of BNC Clothing Closet is to provide assistance to individuals and families in need of clothing free of charge.

Clothing Closet Shopping Days and Hours
- 2nd Saturdays, 10AM-Noon
- 4th Wednesdays, 5-7PM
Each family can shop free of charge for one bag full of needed clothing items. Bags will be provided by Birdsboro Church of the Nazarene. Items that are high in demand may be tagged with a number limit for what can be taken.
All Clothing Closet items are donated. Donations are accepted every Monday from 9 AM to noon and during shopping hours. We very much appreciate the support of our community! Donations must be brought to the basement door (down the sidewalk near the sheds). Ring the doorbell and someone will open the door to help you. Please do not leave donations at the door. Thank you!
Collection Standards:
All items must be washed and free of stains, rips, tears or holes. Collection volunteers are free to deny any donation that does not meet these standards.
Acceptable Items:
Clothing (Infant to Adults), Decorations, Small Appliances , Shoes and Socks, Housewares, Toys. (NO Furniture, TV’s or Computers)
Contact Sherri Riegel at 484-999-0034 or email us at bnc@birdsboronaz.org.
Follow our Clothing Closet page on Facebook!